19 feb 2007

Barcelona, 18 febbraio

Prima delle due date a Barcelona per i NIN, concerto che inizia con: Pilgrimage ,Mr. Self-Destruct ,Last ,Terrible Lie ....!!!!

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dzn ha detto...

01. Pilgrimage
02. Mr. Self-Destruct
03. Last
04. Terrible Lie
05. March of the Pigs
06. Something I Can Never Have
07. The Line Begins to Blur
08. Closer
09. Burn
10. Help Me I Am In Hell
11. Eraser
12. La Mer
13. Into the Void
14. The Frail
15. The Wretched
16. Wish
17. No, You Don't
18. Only
19. Gave Up
20. Hurt
21. The Hand That Feeds
22. Head Like a Hole