
▪ Hyperpower!
▪ The Beginning of the End
▪ Hersey
▪ Terrible Lie
▪ March of the Pigs
▪ Closer
▪ Survivalism
▪ Burn
▪ Gave up
▪ Me, I’m Not
▪ The Great Destroyer
▪ Eraser
▪ Only
▪ Wish
▪ The Good Soldier
▪ No, You Don’t
▪ Dead Souls
▪ The Hand That Feeds
▪ Head Like a Hole
▪ Hurt

Lineup ▪ Alessandro Cortini: Keyboards, programming, guitar, backing vocals ▪ Josh Freese: Drums ▪ Aaron North: Guitar, backing vocals ▪ Trent Reznor: Vocals, guitar, keyboards, tambourine ▪ Jeordie White: Bass, guitar, keyboards, backing vocals

▪ Alessandro Cortini: Keyboards, programming, guitar, backing vocals

▪ Josh Freese: Drums

▪ Aaron North: Guitar, backing vocals

▪ Trent Reznor: Vocals, guitar, keyboards, tambourine

▪ Jeordie White: Bass, guitar, keyboards, backing vocals


Trent Reznor si rivolge al pubblico attraverso la traduzione in italiano di Alessandro Cortini e spiega il suo concetto di “pirateria musicale”:
“Siamo veramente felici di essere qui e ci scusiamo per non essere stati qui più frequentemente nel passato. Una nota sulla pirateria musicale: non gliene frega niente a lui. Basta che ascoltiate la nostra musica. Vaffanculo a tutte le case discografiche. Scaricate tutta la mia musica e fatela ascoltare a tutti gli amici. Datela a chiunque vogliate e fatela ascoltare a più amici possibile.”
In Inglese:
“We’re really happy to be here and we’re sorry we didn’t come here so often in the past. A message about music piracy: I don’t give a damn. I just want you to listen to our music. Fuck record labels. Download my music and share it with all your friends. Give it to whoever you want and let as many of your friends as possible listen to it.”

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